Uralla Portraits is an art school and portrait gallery located in the heart of Uralla. This space exhibits local contemporary portraiture and figurative art with a strong emphasis on showing works on paper, often fresh off the easel.
Our aim is to enrich the cultural life of the arts community in the New England Region. By providing a dedicated space for portraiture we aim to offer our services as a portrait artist and educator, and to elevate the drawing ability for art students willing to learn.
We are proud to display 2D and 3D art, with a small secondary gallery through the hallway dedicated to the display of ceramics, all handmade of course.
With a strong passion for the visual arts and in particular arts education, we hope to create and maintain an inclusive and welcoming space for our students and visitors.
Evelyn Alvarez (Visual Artist, Gallery Director)
Business Hours and Location
Thur – Mon 10am – 5pm
26 Bridge St, Uralla NSW 2358